Privacy Policy

Data Protection Notice:

Personal data will be processed according to our Privacy Policy.

In the course of your visit to this site you may be asked to supply us with personal information. Answering these questions is on an entirely voluntary basis. Data will only be recorded in accordance with the provisions set out below if you offer it voluntarily and consent to it being recorded. The particulars given by you will be collected, processed and used to the respective extent necessary solely in order to give you personalized support, to send details of offers or information, to improve our services, and for market analysis purposes. We assure you that your particulars will be treated confidentially according to the effective provisions for the protection of privacy. We will neither sell your personal particulars to third parties nor otherwise market them or pass them on. Cookies may be used to collect and save this data, but the data remains strictly anonymous. The data will not be used to identify a visitor personally and are not aggregated with any personal data. The collection and storage of data may be refused at any time with respect to subsequent services.

Intellectual Property:
All rights are reserved. Unless stated otherwise, all trademarks, type plates, company logos and emblems reproduced on this website are protected under trade mark law. All text, pictures, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their arrangement on this website are protected by copyright. It is consequently forbidden to download, replicate or disseminate the website in full or in part. All that is permitted is replication of the site to the extent technically necessary for browsing purposes and individual replication for private use. All other use of the content of this website or the symbols protected by trade mark law requires the prior written consent by us. 

Exclusion of Liability:
This website has been compiled with the utmost care. Still, Atlas Copco Group cannot guarantee the correctness and accuracy of the information provided. Atlas Copco Group reserves the right to make amendments at any time. No liability is accepted for damage resulting directly or directly from use of this website as long as this is not based on a deliberate act or gross negligence on the part of Atlas Copco Group. Insofar as this website refers to third party websites, Atlas Copco Group assumes no responsibility for the content of such linked internet sites and may not be held liable for any possible damage arising from such content. All links are external links and serve solely as a service for visitors to our site. We therefore do not check their content. Such links are subject to the liability had by their respective provider.